April 3, 2013

Life in Graphs

Want some great lessons on interviewing life? Check out this amazing website, created by Liz Fosslein. She has a unique knack for boiling down big, complex things (emotions, cities, news, economics, etc.) into simple, easy-to-understand infographics. At a glance, you can learn about crime statistics in Chicago or get relationship advice thanks to her clever use of pie charts, line graphs and dots.

Why is this relevant to work-life balance, you may ask? Well, check out her take on how to get hired. It includes excellent tips on making the best impression possible to a potential employer, but with funny twists along the way. A few examples...

The Suit

Describe A Time You Had Difficulty With A Coworker

What Was Your Biggest Mistake?

Why Do You Want This Job?

I know an inspirational someone whose motto is "Show up." That's a big part of what I get out of these interview infographics: be thoughtful, show up, be yourself and success will come.  Good advice for interviews and life.

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