February 20, 2014

Dash of Green

Do you have office plants? I have a few (mostly) living plants in mine: a Christmas cactus, a primrose and two orchids that only bloom when there is an alignment of at least three planets.

Courtesy of Daniella Witte. See more at her blog!
I envy the those with a jungle-y office, but also don't have time for the constant misting and repotting when they get scraggly. Data from from the EPA and NASA might change this lazy habit though: indoor plants are an effective, affordable solution to poor indoor air quality. Whether at home or in a large office building, a wide range of irritants can negatively affect the air while you're working, including off-gassing from plastics or furniture, toxins from printers, wall paint, mold and chemical cleaning agents.

Courtesy of Design*Sponge. See more of this plant-filled office on the D*S website!
Here are a few recommendations to spruce up your office and your oxygen intake: aloe vera, English ivy, money plant (couldn't hurt to add this one), peace lily (ditto), spider plant and rubber plant. For more air cleansing plants, check out Yoganonymous and Elephant Journal.

Courtesy of MindBodyGreen. They have indoor plant recommendations here!

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